Equestrian summer school 2016

Summer equestrian school during the months of June and July 2016.

Hello everyone, we are already organizing and preparing the summer school. As every year, Hípica Rueda organizes again beginners and advanced courses.

During the month of June and July, organized in small groups, you will receive knowledge from how to respect animals and care for nature, to how to ride a horse or perfect the technique.

The initiation course will be from June 27th to July 8th. The schedule will be from Monday to Friday from 9 to 14 with the possibility to stay for lunch and rest for a while in the afternoon. In this course there will be theoretical and practical classes on everything that concerns the world of the horse. Starting with getting to know them, how to take care of them and of course how to start riding them.

The advanced level course will be from July 18th to July 29th. The schedule will be from 9 to 14 with the possibility to stay for lunch and rest in the afternoon. We will improve our level of riding and orientation. Always based on respect for the horses, pampering and caring for them.