It all started when, at the age of 28, Paco Arnal, managing director of Hípica Rueda, decided to put aside his great passion for motorbikes and buy a horse to keep in the corral of his house. After a first phone call, asking him if he could lodge a horse, word of mouth led him to have up to 16 horses lodged in his corral. It was at that moment that Paco thought that it could be a way of making a living in the world of horses, creating the equestrian centre that he has today. With a lot of effort and dedication, with a continuous improvement of the facilities.
Hípica Rueda

Company registered with ANCCE National Association of Purebred Spanish Horses Breeders.
The only Association officially registered by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture to manage the Stud Book and guarantee the purity of this millenary breed.
ANCCE represents the Purebred Spanish Horse in COPA-COGECA (EU breeders’ association) and the WBFSH (World Breeders’ Federation of Sport Horses).